Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bucket List... Check!

You've most likely gathered from reading my blog that my life expectancy is shorter compared to the next person. Now this doesn't change the truth that we all will eventually die, but it has shown me that life should be experienced to the fullest extent. The first part is my relationship with Christ. The second part means having an attitude of acceptance of my situation and doing my best to maintain a positive outlook. Thirdly, this means that I want to do as many fun things as possible before I "kick the bucket" or at least run it over with my wheelchair. Lol. So, I have compiled a bucket-list. One of them was to go for a ride on a motorcycle.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Van Closet

So you've seen the van restoration project. Well, my dad and I had a parts van left over from the project that we were trying to figure what to do with. After some brainstorming, we came up with two ideas: a mini trailer or a closet. We figured the closet was the easier of the two. Yea right. Sometimes words just can't describe, so... Well... here it is.